Women and the Power to Heal

Posted on June 26, 2009. Filed under: health, Mormon Life | Tags: , , |

by JessawhyHealing Hands

Less than two weeks ago, my sister gave birth to her first child, a beautiful baby girl. Although I have three sons of my own, I’ve never witnessed a birth (not even my own!). Tacy was so brave, she labored all night, pushed for two hours, and gave birth completely naturally. Throughout the labor, she was surrounded by mostly women who loved and supporter her.  Along with her midwife, our parents, her two friends, and my sister and I helped her work through the difficult process of bringing new life into the world.

The experience was awesome. It brought to my mind all of the beautiful poetry, art, and literature about the miracle of birth.  During some of the more painful parts, I tried to spiritually support Tacy by explaining that I know women who believe that birth is the first ordinance that a child receives, one that can only be given by women, not just any woman, but a special woman: mother.   I also told her about how baptism is like childbirth, we are born again of blood, water, and the spirit.

All of the women in the room each took turns stroking, supporting, holding, and helping Tacy through her many hours of intense labor. As she pushed for hours, there were six of us at her bedside offering words of love and encouragment.  In the end, after it was all over, Tacy remarked how she  she needed each of us to help her through bring her baby into the world.  I felt blessed to have been part of such a miraculous, spiritual event.

Ten days after this remarkable experience, my sister was in the hospital again with her newborn who had a high fever. While it wasn’t very serious and she is now healthy and home a few days later, I was still worried and wanting to be there to support her. (more…)

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